What do you think people most want coaching on?
When I began parent coaching, I figured I would be coaching individuals or parents most on depression, anxiety and stress. While, these are topics I frequently coach people on, lately the topics I have been sought to coach on are disordered eating or body dysmorphia. Even when a parent or individual wants coaching around another topic, disordered eating and body dysmorphia are often a part of the fabric.
What’s the difference between disordered eating and eating disorders?
According to the National Eating Disorders Association, nearly 30 million Americans are impacted by eating disorders, which can be life-threatening. According to the National Eating Disorders Association, 28.8 million Americans will face an eating disorder at some point in their lives and 22 % of children and adolescents worldwide show signs of disordered eating. Anorexia Nervosa is the leading cause of death among diagnosable mental illnesses.
Disordered eating is more prevalent than you might think. In a 2008 survey of 4,023 women aged 25 to 45, conducted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 65% reported engaging in disordered eating behaviors. However, these behaviors can be more difficult to recognize. If your eating habits disrupt your ability to nourish yourself consistently and adequately, they may be problematic. Signs of disordered eating can include excessive exercise, restrictive eating, or avoiding certain foods or food groups, extreme fasting or cleanses. Dieting is disordered eating. People who are always trying to lose weight and/or struggle with body image might engage in these activities more. However, disordered eating is prevalent among a huge portion of our society and due to the emphasis on health and being thin, these behaviors have become normalized. The problem is it can cause a physical, mental and emotional toll on a person and those around them and having disordered eating increases the chances of developing an eating disorder.
“These behaviors aren’t random. They can be picked up from things like social media, TV, or even your peers. They’re hard to recognize because they’re created and celebrated by diet culture, which encourages thinness—even if it’s achieved in an unhealthy way, says Rachel Engelhart, RD, the clinical director at the Eating Recovery Center in Bethesda, MD.
For information on parenting through mental health challenges or stress, book a free Discovery call appointment with me now with this link