Body Image and Self-Care: How They Impact Mental and Physical Health

What is body image? How does it affect our mental and physical health?

A person’s feelings about their body strongly influence how they care for it. A negative body image can lead to poor self-care impacting both mental and physical health.

Body image is a mix of how we see ourselves and what we want to look like, ranging from realistic to distorted. The more realistic and attainable our ideal body image, the better we tend to care for ourselves, leading to balanced mental and physical well-being. Those dissatisfied with their appearance may pursue unhealthy behaviors to reach an unrealistic ideal, which can result in health issues. In extreme cases of body dysmorphia, no amount of exercise, dieting, or cosmetic surgery can achieve the desired image, leading to unhealthy behaviors like excessive exercise, unhealthy eating, or eating disorders, which may cause heart problems, osteoporosis, and nutrient deficiencies leading to multiple physical problems.

For information on parenting through mental health challenges including eating disorders, body dysmorphia or disordered eating, book a free Discovery call appointment with me now with this link

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