I have been in your shoes. As a parent myself, I know what it is like to parent when my child is hurting. When our child is hurt and struggling, we hurt and struggle too. I also know what it’s like to have depression. I suffered from postpartum depression after my first two children were born.

Like all families, we have been through a lot together. Our connection to each other has helped us through our collective and individual challenges. I like to be authentic about my own parenting journey. I am not a perfect parent- just ask my kids.The lessons I learned regarding aspects of parenting that helped my kids and what wasn’t so helpful, as well as my professional background and experience, inspire me to help other parents in the midst of their parenting journey when resilience and self-reflection is necessary to move forward. This is one reason I love my work as a parent coach.

My Journey.

As a health professor and educator, and NBC-HWC coach, who has worked with thousands of clients, parents, and students with various mental and physical health challenges, I have cared for multiple people, including family members, who have battled and beat an eating disorder and other mental and physical health diagnoses. I taught 17 years at a community college and 4 years as a high school health teacher. It is my students who inspired me to become a parent and health coach specializing in ADD, ADHD, anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Due to the mental health epidemic, I saw these are the areas many young students were struggling quietly with. I helped them and their parents through many of these challenging times. Whether you or your child’s struggle is with mental health or physical health, my job is to support you as you support yourself or child through these challenges.

Professional Experience

30 years in the public health field in various settings from large hospitals to classrooms

I have a breadth of experience educating diverse populations on a vast array of health topics from chronic disease management and prevention to resilience and mental health coaching.

17 years as a health, nutrition, and women's health professor.

4 years as high school health teacher and health curriculum director

I launched a study, “Suburban Student Athletes: Driven to Overachieve”, and presented it for Sport & Society Research Network at the University of Toronto.

My Education

Master’s of Public Health

Nationally Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)

Jai Parenting Institute Certified Parent Coach

Mind Body Green Certified Health Coach.