• “Flex-Able Minds Coaching is a powerful asset to any parent and child. Coach Siah uses a clear, concise, and yet creative style of coaching. She has a unique way of getting clients to listen and feel listened to. She is making a difference one client at a time.”


  • "Coach Siah has helped me feel more balanced. I have learned to successfully balance home life, school and self-care. Before we began our work, I never would have imagined being able to make self-care a priority. I have learned to not run myself into the ground to feel successful. I let school and all of the other demands on me,consume me.”


  • “You genuinely care for those you work with and you provided me with a profound level of guidance. For this reason, I found it easy to commit to the program and our appointments. I would look forward to speaking with you.”


  • “As my coach, you provided me with a level of understanding and support that I needed to make real change in my life and in myself as a person. Working with you allowed me to gain so many skills that I have been able to implement into my life. These skills give me a sense of balance in my everyday life.”


  • “With you and this program, I have been able to grow as an individual and I have been reminded that I am worthy of self-care. I am now far more confident in myself and my overall abilities to overcome life’s many challenges. I am forever grateful that I made the decision to seek your help when I did and that it led to our paths to meet because I know I would not be who I am today otherwise.”


  • "You have helped me find tools that help me manage my stress and understand my feelings.”

    – Client

  • “After a year and a half of working with Coach Siah, I feel good about where I am. My health has improved and I have more good days than bad. “


  • “I attended a class based off of Siah’s coaching platform and the book she wrote, called Persuasive Push vs. Shameless Shove. She is passionate about this topic; engaging others in the conversation and opens up the dialogue. Siah is a great facilitator and collaborator. She truly cares about our children and how we prepare them for future challenges.She is dedicated to helping us prepare our kids to make their own decisions and decide their own path. Her message increases self-reflection and awareness in regards to not pushing kids unrealistically and to avoid pushing our own agendas onto them. Siah is open minded and enjoys learning from others about their experiences. She challenges us to think of parenting and society differently.”
